eDoc Executive

eDoc Executive

You get hundreds or thousands of documents every day. Ensure the wrong document never gets sent to a customer again by standardizing naming conventions across all documents and activities.

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Standardized Document Naming

Standardized Document Naming

Your team shouldn’t need to sift through 15 attachments to find the right one to send to the customer. Name all documents the same across your entire business so everyone knows what to grab and when.

Repurpose Time

Repurpose Time

There are tens of thousands (potentially hundreds of thousands) of documents that need to be renamed every year in your business. This isn’t work meant for intelligent people. Let the robots handle this and get your people focused on what they’re good at.

Improved Customer Experience

Improved Customer Experience

When pushing documents into customer portals, or sending them out via email, ensure they are always contextually named so that a customer knows what they are. Not 1847AHDKS812 BROKER. Excuse me, come again?

Process Steps

  1. Identify new attachments
  2. Open and extract data from PDF
  3. Access any other info from customer profile
  4. Name attachment accordingly
  5. Manage any other outstanding activities
  6. Send daily report with results

Cornerstone Insurance

120 hrs
repurposed per month
from Cornerstone Insurance's daily
Renaming EDOCs process
Cornerstone Insurance logo

"The task that we have now digitized thanks to Quandri has allowed us to redeploy nearly one entire full time position to more meaningful work. This frees up brokers to focus on customer relationships and sales. We see a long-lasting and continued relationship with Quandri."

Brock Longworth
Brock Longworth
COO of Cornerstone Insurance

Curious? Let's talk about how many hours your team could be saving on repetitive processes.

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